Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Arepa !!! A Dominican Dessert

There are different types of Arepa, but the one I am going to talk about is the one from the Dominican Republic. This is a dessert that is a tradition in this country. I like it because it’s super sweet and I like the texture of it.

5 Cups of Regular Milk
2 Cans of Evaporated Milk
2 Cans of Coconut Cream
½ Cup of Raisins
½ cup of brown sugar
1 tbsp. Vanilla Extract
3 Cinnamon Sticks
½ tsp. Salt
4 Cups of Fine Yellow Cornmeal
5 Cups of Water
4 tbsp. Butter

·  Preheat oven at a 350-degree heat. Butter a deep round baking dish.
·  Mix all the ingredients. Put in a pot and put on the stove in a high heat, stirring constantly to avoid sticking. When it comes to a boil lower the fire to medium and continue stirring until it reaches a heavier texture.
·  Pour mixture in the baking dish and bake for 45 minutes or until you able to insert a knife in the center of it and it comes clean. Cool down to room temperature and take it out of the baking dish. Then cut into squares and serve.


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