Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Book Tuesday: For One More Day by Mitch Albom

When Charley "Chick" Benetto was a child, he was a daddy's boy but his father left the family when Chick was about to become a teenager, this broke his heart. This event shape him into a man a bitter man, that pushed everybody he loved away.

Chick is now a broken man, full of regret. His wife left and his daughter doesn't want him at her wedding. All these things combine sent Chick into the abyss of alcoholism and to make a choice that will take him on a journey with his mother who passed away eight years earlier into the past. On this journey Chick discovers that all about the things he thought he knew about his parents, were exactly like he thought they were. It opens his eyes and give him the courage to change and regain what he lost.

For One More day will take you on journey of redemption and understanding, that everybody should take and enjoy.

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